Feeling inspired, yet stuck in the house I pushed my kitchen table over into the bright stream of sun coming in the back door and looked at the houseplant that sits on the table.
It was an experiment in closeness, seeing how close I could get with my 18-55mm kit lens. As well as giving me some photos I didn't really care about to Photoshop. I have this hangup about photos I really like and I'm afraid I'll "ruin" them with Photoshop. I know, I know, I always save the original, but I'm more hesitant to slide the "quick fix" bars around when I already kind of like it. But here, I bumped the saturation quite a bit to make the leaves a brighter green and I did something to try and make the background a little darker (can't remember what though). I couldn't find, however, the "duster" tool that would brush the dust that has collected on the leaves. Oh yeah, that is in the actual closet and would require some cleaning effort.